Sometimes we have to resolve very weird issue. Iā€™m working with a very old, unmaintained piece of software that generates huge CSV files, containing and sorted, among others, by timestamp date.

So i tried to make this software a bit more maintanable, but that could introduce breaking changes. So hereā€™s what i wanted to do:

  • Generate the CSV with the old version
  • Generate the CSV with the new, version
  • Compare each pair of CSV.

Whatā€™s the best tool for that ?

Hereā€™s the tricky part. In theory, this is simple. i had all the old version file in a old directory, and others in a new. So something like

for i in ls $(old); do
    diff "old/$i" "new/$i"

would work, and it does. But itā€™s also in this particular case completely unreadable and useless : i really need context before the different lines to debug correctly.

So i tried to find the best tool, either terminal or GUI. And thereā€™s a lot. Most of them either failed by crashing on large CSV, or by being very unpleasant to use.

And in the endā€¦ I had the perfect tool, that i use everyday : VS code. So hereā€™s my small script :

for i in (ls old)
      echo $i; if ! diff old/$i new/$i
          code -w --diff old/$i new/$i

Note: Sorry, yes, i use fish shell :)

This runs vscode, waiting for the window to be closed before opening a new file, and running the diff mode. VScode is really efficient at that, and pleasant to use. So i just hope that, if you need to have a good GUI diff one day, this post would help you !

Use VScode !!